The Clementon Police Department is dedicated to providing fair, impartial and effective law enforcement services to our community. Part of this objective involves holding Officers to the highest standards of conduct possible in order to ensure adherence to the professional standards the Clementon Police Department strives to meet everyday.
Anyone is permitted to file a complaint at any time, in any manner, including anonymously. When filing any complaint, we encourage complainants to provide as much sufficient factual information possible in order for it to be thoroughly investigated and referred in a proper manner. For more specific guidelines or questions about filing a complaint, please click on the "Citizen Complaint Info Sheet" PDF
Complaints may be filed in any manner, whether in person, through electronic means, or over the phone. We encourage complainants to utilize the "IA Reporting Form" PDF which is fillable and printable. Any officer can receive a complaint and it will be forwarded to an appropriate investigator. You may also utilize an online reporting form by clicking the link "Report an IA Complaint Online" >
Use the following link to view the IA Reporting Information in other languages >